Wednesday, February 1, 2006

It's all in the Wrist...

Crayon Flicking

Note: This comes out much better than the scanned images show. I had trouble getting the scanner to pick up all the subtle tones created...just trust me and try it!

Paper--1/4 sheets (small canvas is less daunting)
Tag board 1/2 sheetsv(like file folders--construction paper can be used in a pinch, but is less satisfactory)
Stencils, homemade or bought (optional)


*Place Tag board across paper at any angle.

*Using a flicking motion of the wrist, draw quick lines, perpendicularly off the tag board, onto the paper.The lines should be close together, and should be made with a quick repetition flick of the wrist, not a deliberate line.
*Vary color if desired

*Remove stencil to see a sort of halo-effect lineThis may be the only step young children are ready for.


*Cut a wavy or angled line through the center of the tagboard.

*Proceed with flicking the crayons off the cut edge, being careful to keep the stroke perpendicular to the cut.

*Use both sides of the tagboard stencil (the positve and the negative) and compare the halo-lines created.


*Make (or use store-bought) stencils.

*Use the stencil-flick technique to create a picture.I made a couple stencils to make a sailboat scene. My son really liked it and decided to copy it. This was not an "assignment", just something he wanted to do. I think it came out very well.The heart is a Valentine he made--his own idea. It was made with marker.

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