Monday, March 17, 2008

First Chalk Pastels

Wow! Who knew?

I've never really liked chalk pastels myself. They're just so...chalky. A good kids' art teacher in the area uses them exclusively for her beginning students, though, so I thought I would give it a try with my kids. They have played with (made a mess with) them before, so we jumped in to making pictures. If your kids have never played with chalk pastels, I would recommend giving them the opportunity to just try out the colors, shading and blending a bunch. It may (and probably will) turn into muddy brown, but that's part of the learning process...
Here is H's first picture trial (the close-up daisy) and her second flower garden one. I did help just a bit with hers on the lady bug head, but the rest is her work. I think it's beautiful!

E's (7yo) is the fish picture at the top of the post. He is really into fish these days, having gotten some for Christmas and one having just had fry. I've promised him a fish picture for some weeks and decided to try it with the chalks. I love it! In fact, I like his a good deal better than mine! The picture is all his, with a few pointers here and there from me. He did ask me to outline it for him, though, so I did...Here is my fish picture, for what it's worth. Really, I much prefer E's...
*I like to use colored paper for chalk pastel work. I love the way the colors stand out and are so vibrant against it. It also helps keep the picture from looking unfinished if the kids miss spots or decide not to do a background, as especially little children often will.
*Use at least three tones for every area--light, medium and dark--to give depth interest.
*Add details after blending
*Spray the finished picture with hairspray (aerosol is best) to help keep down smudges.
Paper with a "tooth" (construction paper works just fine.
Chalk pastels-lots of colors. about 50 is good
Hairspray to set the finished product


nrenick said...

Beeeeyootiful!!! That is just awesome!

5Gustos said...

I love the color on the black paper. Gorgeous. Your kids are very talented. Of course, they come by it honestly. ;-)

Michelle said...

Thanks ladies! I love the black paper too. It makes the piece look...sophisticated, maybe? Cool, though. ;o)

Michelle said...

Thanks ladies! I love the black paper too. It makes the piece look...sophisticated, maybe? Cool, though. ;o)

Michele said...

Michelle, Thank you so much for sharing this blog. I am always intrigued with what you are doing and appreciate your input and comments with the group. This blog is just the newest version of you sharing your wonderful self and giving us access to your thinking and planning and don't I just benefit from that again!? Lucky me.

In my opinion kids art is everyone's art and this art inspires my art. That is always welcome and appreciated. Thank you and kudos.

Michele (the other michele, lol)

5Gustos said...

Okay. I purchased some inexpensive chalk pastels and dark paper today (black and dark blue). We'll have to try it out. You've inspired us.